According to Astro Databank website, Kamala Harris was born on October 24, 1964 around 9:28 pm in Oakland, CA. Using that available information and based on sidereal ephemeris, a natal birth chart was developed. The JHora software was used for planetary positions/inclinations.
In her birth chart, the slow-moving planets – Saturn, Jupiter & Rahu – are all in the Zodiac Cusp. In Hindu astrology, it is labeled as rashi sandhi, where sandhi in Sanskrit means “in-between”. In addition, the Moon and Sun are also at an inclination of 4˚, which falls at the brink of rashi sandhi.
Of all these, Jupiter is the lord of 10th house (Career/Profession) and 7th house (Spouse) with just 0˚ inclination in retrograde motion. That indicates that Jupiter was more inclined towards its previous house, Aries, where the natal moon is residing. The Sun is close to a 4˚ inclination and is residing in Libra. This house, in Hindu astrology, is depicted as “debilitated” or neecha for the Sun. Therefore, natal Sun became weak and it has no major relationship with either the 10th house or its lord. So, the individual, in this case Senator Kamala Harris will always be working under someone, eliminating the option of becoming President.
Mars is lord of the 6th house, which deals with Employment conditions. Natal Mars is close to 28˚ inclination and is residing in Cancer, hence it cannot be considered to be “debilitated” or neecha.

When it comes to nature of profession for the individual, both the 6th and the 10th houses are to be first analyzed.
Jupiter: As the 10th house lord and residing in the 2nd house from ascendant, its 9th aspect is on 8th house (secret dealings), which is owned by Saturn. This indicates that the individual has or will involve in some secret dealings or secrets pertaining to their career.
Mars: As the 6th house lord and residing in 2nd house from ascendant, its 4th aspect is on Libra, where the 1st house lord, Mercury, and debilitated Sun are residing. Mars’s 7th aspect is on 8th house (secret dealings) and the 8th aspect is on 9th house (dharma-stanam or the house of ethics/justice). Both are owned by Saturn. This indicates that the individual has or will become involved in some secret dealings/secrets that might be unethical (aadharma) pertaining to their employment conditions.
The above two planet’s secrecy is a big drag for the individual to move up the ladder in their career. These secrets will haunt them and when revealed might have a major negative impact on their career. Senator Kamala Harris ended her campaign for the Democratic nomination for President in January 2020 when some of her decisions as California Attorney General were disturbing.

Having talked so much about her career and the negativity in her employment life, let us first consider the transit planets at least until August 16, 2020. The most important points to note are:
The million-dollar question is will Joe Biden choose Senator Kamala Harris as his Vice Presidential candidate. With the assumption that Joe Biden decides not to announce his pick before June 29, 2020, I am more inclined to predict that Senator Kamala Harris will be his Vice Presidential candidate.
Below are my astrological justifications:
4. Between June 17, 2020 and July 16, 2020, transit Sun will also be in the 1st house, conjoining with natal and transit Rahu and having a direct aspect with the 10thhouse lord, transit Jupiter.
5. According to vimsottari dasa system, between June 22, 2020 and July 15, 2020, the period is Rahu–Mercury-Mercury-Saturn.
Finally, to the best of my Hindu astrological knowledge, Joe Biden will announce Kamala Harris as his VP Candidate between July 3 – July 6, 2020, since the period is Rahu–Mercury-Mercury-Saturn-Sun.
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